Twitter's New Algorithm Insights: What you need to know - Part 2
In the first part of this two part article, we looked at some insights from Twitter's algorithm release. We explored the dos and don'ts of using Twitter and how we can boost our presence online by playing by Twitter's own rules. If you have not read that article, here's a link to it: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/twitters-new-algorithm-insights-what-you-need-know-part-faseyiku. In this article, I have outlined additional insights from Twitter's algorithm that would help you build your online presence, boost your reputation and get the most out of Twitter.
Understanding Twitter's Algorithm - Part 2
Remember, Twitter's algorithm determines what content appears on users' timelines and search results. If you stick to doing what Twitter rewards, you will reach more people. Here are additional takeaways:
- Images and Videos Get a 2x Boost : Twitter's algorithm prioritizes tweets with images and videos. Tweets with images or videos are twice as likely to be engaged with than those without. What does this mean for you? When you are building your content calendar for Twitter you want to prioritize adding images and videos to your tweet. Do not forget to use the ALT text to provide information that describes what your image is. These descriptions support people who are blind, have low vision, use assistive technology, live in low-bandwidth areas, or want more context. Find more info on how to use alt text here: https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/write-image-descriptions
- Follower to Following Ratio Matters: Your follower-to-following ratio is a crucial factor in Twitter's algorithm. While the follow for follow method can be a manual way to grow your Twitter base, you can get penalized for it. So try to maintain a healthy balance. Avoid following too many accounts or using spam tactics like #followforfollow #ifb #pleasefollowback you see spamming replies on Twitter, which can lead to penalties or suspension. Additionally, Twitter limits following to 400 accounts per day.
- Links Get De-prioritized: Links to non-news or non-media sources are de-prioritized on Twitter's algorithm. It's best to use relevant and high-quality links to improve your chances of ranking. What does this mean for you? You do not want to share links that spread false information or fake news. Verify your news source and ensure they are high quality. A lot of bloggers are known to share fake news to get traffic. You could lose your account doing this or get suspended for days/weeks for doing this. My advice is to only share links from highly reputable news sources.
Improving Your Twitter Reputation
Building a good reputation on Twitter is essential to establishing trust with your audience. Here are some tips to improve your Twitter reputation:
- Get Verified ✅: Spend the $10 to get verified to boost your account's reputation. Verification gives your account a blue badge, indicating that Twitter has confirmed your identity. This might be a little bit difficult for Nigerians because $1 is around ₦750 and you would want to think long and hard before spending ₦7500 on a blue badge. However, if you are trying to build a reputable personal brand or business brand, paying this monthly ₦7500 would give your business the additional credibility it needs.
- Interact with High-Quality Users: Your influence on Twitter is heavily determined by the quality of users you interact with. Interacting with high-quality accounts can improve your chances of ranking and increase your audience. Interacting with accounts who have 1 follower but follow 4999 people will not help your cause. So, maybe think twice before you reply that controversial tweet on your TL as this may cost you more than you think.
- Avoid Low-Quality Accounts: Interacting with low-quality accounts that are marked as spam, NSFW, bots, or toxic will penalize you on Twitter's algorithm. Ensure that you are engaging with genuine users.
- Avoid Blacklisted Topics: Twitter has a file of blacklisted topics that, if referenced in your tweet or username, will de-rank your profile and content. Ensure that you are not using any blacklisted topics.
- Do Not Mass Unfollow: Mass unfollowing people with bots or using automated third party tools would get you in trouble. You could lose your password to hackers and you could get suspended for performing too many actions at once. Twitter rewards genuine human interaction and looks out for bot-like interactions to penalize.
In conclusion, with these insights, you can boost your online presence on Twitter and establish a good reputation with your audience. Remember to prioritize images and videos, maintain a healthy follower-to-following ratio, use high-quality links, interact with high-quality users, avoid blacklisted topics, and avoid mass unfollowing. Happy tweeting!
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